Happy New Year 2020

“Happy New Year!” I scream. It’s 2020. Wow. We are gathered here still doing our thing, together. I’m smiling and excited. God told me that I’m here to live an amazing life. The message came through via a dream a month or two back. How do I know it was God, the Universe, the Spirit? Because I know and when you know, you know.

Part of living a great life is loving what I do and where I do it. As most of you know, much of my time is spent in the kitchen,        C R E A T I N G. It’s magical to take primary ingredients like sugar, flour, eggs, and cacao beans and transform them into composite, refined, and delightful things. I feel like a writer with pen, paper, and a story to be heard.

The story of Noir d’Ebene remains a tale of love, mystery, and certainly creativity. As the 2020 unfolds, we look forward to offering a new menu every month or two featuring a cookie, confection, and bean to bar chocolate – products of exceptional skill and artistry, which also taste damned good in interesting ways. We are excited about what lies ahead, which is the promise of creating for you.

And so it begins, this year, now, together again. Happy days are here!

Thank you, with great joy,

 Journey Shannon, the chocolate lady

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